
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Wow! I can’t believe how bad I have been at writing blogs and keeping everyone updated on what is happening. I didn’t even release a collection of poems for May! I apologize for the lack of blogs. I will attempt to do better!

So many things have happened in May and June that it honestly becomes a bit of a blur. I wish I was more of a daily journal writer so that I could keep all my experiences and memories together. Suffice it to say, God has taken me on an incredible journey these past two months. He has humbled me, taught me lessons, and used me to further His kingdom! I honestly don’t deserve His love and constant mercy.

One thing that has been changing recently is how many poems I’ve been writing. In Romania and Albania, it was a daily occurrence. Now I’m lucky to write 3 in a week! There are numerous possible reasons for this. First, there isn’t as much time for me to sit down and focus on writing. Second, I’m growing and maturing in Christ and community, so I maybe no longer require that kind of individual, creative processing. Last, I am learning to just enjoy the things I’m learning and experiencing without overthinking them to death.

However, as long as God keeps blessing me with poems to write, I will keep sharing them! Here is a selection of some of the poems I have written the last two months. I hope that you enjoy them and I pray that God uses them!

Nap– May 13

Head on the Bible

Asleep on the Word

Just taking a nap

Right here with my Lord


His precious Spirit

And heart paternal

Gives me endless peace

And rest eternal


Filling me with love

And calming my fear

He is my Father

My God’s always here


Freedom– May 14

All of my life

I’ve longed to be free

Living in the slum

Death is all I see


Pain and decay

Upon every street

Sin and temptation

Each step of my feet


I dreamed of Oasis

A beautiful haven

Being taken afar

On wings of a raven


My fantasies take place

In lands far away

Gone forever

I relish the day


But then I met Him

That wonderful Man

His name was Freedom

Of the King’s own clan


He didn’t take me

To His Father’s place

Instead He taught me

To walk here with grace


My bondage is done

And I’m living free

Never left the slums

But they have left me


Freedom’s not a land

A distant place to hide

Freedom’s a Person

Walking by your side




God’s Expensive Purchase– May 29

I formed you in the womb

I shaped your every cell

I’ve seen you forever

My love’s an endless well


I made your perfection

And I gave you it all

I waited in the garden

I remember the fall


I watched you with fondness

As you took your first breath

I looked on with sadness

When sin took you towards death


I’ve witnessed all your life

I’m always by your side

I’ve laughed when you’re happy

And I’ve mourned when you cried


I followed all along

Was there for every step

Cheered for each victory

And wept for each misstep


My child I see you

I hold your broken heart

I hate what sin has done

I will rip it apart


I love you eternal

And I want you with Me

But there’s a price to pay

To fix our family


I gladly chose the cross

Took your death on purpose

You belong at My side

My expensive purchase


You are My pride and joy

You make me smile

Believe me when I say

I’ll be here every mile



Sickly Seedling– June 9

A beautiful seed

Hit the dirty ground

Though it yearned to grow

In the grime, it drowned


The roots were shallow

The flower hung its head

Consuming ruination

Soon it would be dead


The came a Farmer

A kind, caring Man

Walking in the wilds

Surveyed the dying land


He found the tiny plant

And wept for its fate

Scooped it in His hands

Said, “It’s not too late!”


He ran quickly home

Would give it life there

He cleaned the floor

Cleared the roots with care


Inside of His house

He gave it fresh dirt

Fed it clean water

Healed its past hurt


The plant grew and blossomed

With roots stretching wide

The Farmer loved it

Stood beaming with pride


After several weeks

The cherished plant thrived

Death but a memory

Its beauty revived


In the front yard

An important place

Lived the precious flower

With love on its face




In Awe– June 16

In places of peace

I kneel at Your throne

In times of trouble

I worship You alone


Your majesty reaches

To the cosmos end

You in power reign

And in justice, rend


Your glory outshines

Every sun and star

You cover the earth

Splendor reaching far


Eternity’s Your home

Infinite’s Your heart

With just one Word

You tore death apart


You are so merciful

And God, You are love

But I can’t forget

You’re enthroned above


My heavenly Father

Both perfect and true

No matter what I face

I’m in awe of You




Philip’s Cry (John 1:43-46)– June 25

“Come quickly and see

The long-awaited King

This Jesus of Nazareth

His Good News I bring


As Isaiah foretold

The Messiah is here!

The Anointed One came

His Kingdom is near


The One Moses spoke of

Bid me to walk

He chooses the ones

The religious mock


Our Lord looked at me

We stood face to face

Love filled his eyes

And He spoke with grace


He will save us

He’s truly the One

We’ll see redemption

When this Man is done


Nathanael, come quick!

I swear this true

He’s God’s own Son

And I know He’ll choose you”