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This month was a reversal of norms. I found myself taking several bigger steps forward and only stumbling a couple steps backwards. That is progress! I am still struggling with a few different things, but God has proven that He has got this! He is bigger than my past and any of my problems. He is teaching me to give things to Him and just trust. It is taking a lot of time, but slowly and surely, the lessons are penetrating my stubborn skull.

The first poem was written about one of the many friends we have made. He watched us while we worshiped. I tried putting myself in his shoes and thought about what he might have been thinking.


Observer- March 2


I sit in this room

With my brand new friends

These things are so strange

Their love doesn’t end


They smile like fools

During religious songs

Worshiping their Gods

Invite me along


They speak of the God

Yet call Him Father

They say He loves them

This must be another


Then there comes Jesus

Who they hold up high

Revere Him as God

Can God really die?


Their songs say He rose

And conquered the grave

As the Perfect Son

Did all this to save


Somehow these are one

But who’s the Spirit?

This is way too much

I can barely hear it


Now there’s bread and juice

“Blood and body” they say

Take it in That Name

Then they sing and pray


Who are these people

And this faith they claim?

Why do they worship

And speak with no shame?


I think they’re sincere

They serve for God’s sake

I’d say they’re crazy

‘Cause they don’t seem fake


Gotten to know them

Their joy is so real

Peaceful and loving

Their kindness I feel


So here I’m sitting

My heart getting tense

Something’s around me

I feel a Presence


This is kind of weird

I can’t seem to leave

All this makes me think

What do I believe?



Invisible Truths- March 5

I scream at the wind

“There’s no way you’re real”

Yet my hair still moves

Ignores my appeal


I tell oxygen

That I don’t believe

While I rant and rave

I still have to breathe


“Gravity is fake”

I happily gloat

I go on my way

But I walk, not float


“Feelings are made up,

Invention of man”

But I’m still grinning

While holding her hand


I’ll always tell you,

“Pain’s all in the mind”

But try as I might

I cry every time


“Energy’s a lie!”

For this truth, I’ll fight

But before I do,

I’ll turn on the light


There’s so many things

That we cannot see

But they’re always there

They don’t cease to be


I’ve never seen God

But I know He’s there

He’s shown me His love

And I’ve felt His care


So yell as you might

Talk until you’re blue

Your words won’t affect

These things that are true



Past Tense- March 8

Here it is again

This awful offense

Couldn’t stay away

Thought it was past-tense


This drifting malaise

Darkness of the mind

Thought this was conquered

Need the light to shine


They ask if I’m good

I crouch in defense

My nerves are all frayed

I am long past tense


Shouldn’t be this way

Why am I not fine?

I hate this weakness

To sin, I’m inclined


God, You’re my refuge

Your grace is immense

Take this nasty state

And keep it past-tense



Relational/Apples- March 9

God of the universe

Maker of even me

Formed us in His image

Wanted community


Good and mighty Father

You’re a strong apple tree

As I sit in Your shade

You make me beam with glee


Jesus Christ Messiah

Savior of even me

Came to Earth to see us

Made us His family


Only true Son of God

Apple given freely

My source of sustenance

Revives me so sweetly


The Holy Breath of God

Helper of even me

Dwells within His children

Unites us as His body


God’s very own Spirit

A fragrance so lovely

I want to smell like You

Brought me recovery


Father, Son, and Spirit

Lover of even me

You brought us fellowship

You’re friends with this nobody



God Against- March 23

I’m not my memories

My past isn’t me

Though they mold and shape

I have been set free


They no more command

Tell me where to go

Someone else is here

His safe arms I know


Though I still struggle

The voices won’t win

These scars conquer

Their control, He’ll end


When I start to drown

And the lies scream out

I will not crumble

It’s His name I shout


He is my refuge

Truth to which I cling

When I’m in the dark

Light, my God will bring


Get out of my mind

This isn’t your place

Jesus lives within

So there isn’t space


My cruel past must fade

This evil must flee

God Himself has saved

He has heard my plea